Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief But No Cure- By: Emma Sundstromma

Description : when we have a disease or condition with no known cause, it is almost a given that we have no known cure. When there is no known cure, the best we can do is to try to alieviate the symptoms in an attempt to suppress the condition. Getting relief from the symptkms does not mean that the condition has been treated, merely that the symptoms are for the moment lessened or non existant.

This is the case for the condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Many studies have been done on Irritable bowel syndrome, but allopathic medicine has not been able to pinpoint a cause, thus we are left with trying to find relief from the symptoms instead of a cure. This is quite typical for chronic diseases. While there MAY be a cause that has been found, allopathic medicine usually will use some drug to keep the disease at bay.

There are a number of facta about the nature of irritable bowel syndrome that has been doscovered. One of the functions of the gastro intestinal tract is to contract and relax in a controled way to facilitate the movement of material in the bowel along with the proper digestion of the food. This is somehow not working properly when one is afflicted by irritable bowel syndrome, leading to feeling bloated, having constipation alternating with diarrhea. However, it is not known as to why this function is disturbed in IBS.

This is why irritable bowel syndrome, (also called spastic colitis) is called a functional disorder.

There are many things one can do to get relief from bothersome symptoms. One is to pay careful attention to the diet. Grains are frequently a factor in causing irritation, bloating and pain. So is gluten. Trying a grain and gluten free diet for some months in combination with amino acids and herbs that are healing for the bowel can go a long way in getting relief.

Adding certain vitamins such as large doses of vitamin B12 (check with your medical practitioner prior to adding anything to your diet) has also proven to be helpful.

The intestines are under the influence of the autonomus nervous system,ANS, that one we can't control voluntarily.
Tha ANS is highly responsive to stress it and has a multitide of receptors in the intestines. Being able to control and reduce one's stress level can provide daramtic relief from a spastic colon.

There such a multitude of effective practices, exercises and regimens to reduce one's stress level it should be easy to find something that is not only effective, but also fun and easy to use.

With diligence, an open mind and some research, the symptoms of IBS should be able to be relieved to a great degree.

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